The rewards include a payout of 50,000 and the ability to choose Avi Schwartzman as a hacker for the Casino Heist. Players can locate and destroy these jammers scattered across Los Santos and its surrounding areas.
Causes i've seen mentioned are not completing the initial set-up in one go & trying to choose different approaches for the actual heist. A guide to finding all 50 signal jammer locations in GTA Online, enabling the unlocking of Avi Schwartzman as a character. Lets start with the obvious big issue at the moment, several things seem to put your arcade business in some weird limbo state where chairs vanish from near the 'Pixel emporium' laptops, heist planning boards are completely empty and the only things you can use in the entire building are the door to the basement & the lazy chairs and soda machine in said basement. If you have a bug that is not mentioned in this thread yet, please post about it below & consider going here to report the bug to R*, this thread is only meant as a place to confirm that you're not alone in having certain issues, thank you for understanding!
First and foremost, GTAForums is in no way connected to R* games, and R* most likely wont be reading this thread, that said lets try keep all the mentions of bugs in one central place as to not flood half the threads with the same bug reports.